Sunday, April 29, 2012


Jumpa Media Super Junior Ditunda 20 Menit

Jumpa Media Indonesia
Seperti yang diberitakan sebelumnya, bahwa pada hari ini, sabtu (28/4) Super Junior akan mengadakan jumpa media dengan pers Indonesia. Dalam jumpa media yang digelar dengan pengawalan ketat tersebut hanya beberapa media yang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk meliput.Seperti yang dijadwalkan, Super Junior akan menggelar jumpa media pada pukul lima sore, namun karena kesibukan persiapan, jumpa media harus ditunda 20 menit.
"Karena kesibukan Super Junior untuk persiapan konser, maka jumpa media harus ditunda 20 menit. Mohon kesabarannya," ungkap penerjemah Super Junior.

Leeteuk Suju: Assalamualaikum, Saya Suka Indonesia Gadis!

Tampil memukau dengan aksi panggung kelas dunia,Super Junior benar-benar telah memuaskan ELF yang hadir di Super Show hari pertama semalam. Tak hanya koreografi luar biasa, kualitas fisik Super Junior benar-benar tetap stabil dari awal sampai akhir acara.
Suju sapa ELF Indonesia :)
Selama hampir 4 jam, ELF juga tetap bersemangat meskipun harus terus berteriak selama konser. Dari konser kemarin (27/4), salah satu hal yang paling menarik adalah bagaimana member Super Junior begitu antusias menyapa ELF dengan bahasa Indonesia. 
RyeowookKyuhyun, dan Donghae mengenalkan diri mereka dengan bahasa Indonesia. Eunhyuk dan Siwon pun menyapa dalam bahasa Indonesia. Lalu Shindong yang menyanyikan reff lagu Vidi Aldiano yakniCinta Jangan Kau Pergi membuat ELF histeris.
Sungmin bahkan dengan jujur mengatakan dirinya rindu pada ELF Indonesia. Yesung juga mengganti reff lagu solo hitsnya, It Has to be You dengan bahasa Indonesia sambil berteriak ke arah ELF.
Namun dari semuanya, yang paling berkesan adalah bagaimana sang leader Leeteuk mengucapkan Assalamualaikum dengan begitu lantang berulang kali. Ia turut menambahkan dengan menyatakan, "Saya suka Indonesia gadis, gadis, gadis!"

Leeteuk Senang Konser SS4 INA Pecahkan Rekor

Annyeonghaseo.. Super Junior imnida.

Perasaan senang melanda member Super Junior karena akhirnya bisa menggelar konser Super Show 4 di Indonesia. Kedatangan boyband ini sebenarnya merupakan yang yang kedua, di mana member Super Junior juga sempat menyambangi Indonesia di tahun 2011 lalu.

"Kedua kalinya di Indonesia, sebelumnya kami hanya ikut pengisi acara dalam satu konser, tapi kali ini untuk konser tersendiri tentu saja perasaannya berbeda dengan para fans Indonesia. Sangat senang dengan konser ini karena respon hangat seperti suasana Indonesia yang hangat," ucap Leeteuk ditemui di MEIS, Ancol, Sabtu (28/04).
Kami sangat senang dan sangat berterima kasih kepada fans di Indonesia, kami juga baru dapat info kalau kami artis Asia yang pertama kali mengadakan konser dan memecahkan rekor konser 3 hari.

Menariknya konser tunggal di Indonesia ini langsung digelar tiga hari berturut-turut. Hal itu mampu memecahkan rekor artis Asia yang menggelar konser di Indonesia. Sebagai leader yang kerap didapuk sebagai pembicara, Leeteuk pun mengungkap mereka merasa bahagia. "Tentu saja kami sangat senang dan sangat berterima kasih kepada fans di Indonesia, kami juga baru dapat info kalau kami artis Asia yang pertama kali mengadakan konser dan memecahkan rekor konser 3 hari, dan juga begitu banyak fans yang beli tiket untuk menyaksikan konser bersama-sama. Saya rasa kalau gak ada rasa cinta dan rasa sayang dari fans Indonesia, tidak mungkin bisa memecahkan rekor itu," tegasnya.

FANCAM SS4 INA Day 1 - Eunhyuk Tampar Donghae?

Konser Super Junior Super Show hari pertama sukses digelar pada 27 April 2012 di Mata Elang International Stadium, Jakarta Utara. Sekitar 9 ribu ELF memadati MEIS Ancol dan membuat Super Junior terkesan dengan antusiasme mereka.
Berbagai hal unik pun terjadi di atas panggung. Jika Leeteuk menarik perhatian dengan mengucapkan, "Assalamualaikum, saya suka Indonesia gadis!", Eunhyuk dan Donghae justru menarik perhatian dengan aksi 'menampar' di atas panggung. Bukan rahasia lagi kalau Eunhyuk dan Donghae Super Junior sangat dekat layaknya soul mate. Lalu kenapa kemarin Eunhyuk menampar Donghae? Simak video berikut ini, terutama di sekitar menit pertama. 

Dalam video tersebut, Eunhyuk tampak 'menampar' Donghae di tengah lagu duet mereka, Oppa, Oppa. Tapi tenang saja ELF, itu cuma bagian dari aksi panggung mereka yang memang menghibur.

Super Junior & ELF Saling Berterima Kasih

Hubungan antara fans dan idolanya adalah hubungan yang tak dapat digambarkan hanya sekedar lewat kata-kata. Selama hampir 7 tahun Super Junior berkarir, ELF selalu ada di sisi mereka. Begitu pula di mata ELF, Super Junior adalah sosok yang menghibur dan sering kali menjadi motivasi hidup mereka. Setelah bertahun-tahun menanti kehadiran Super Show di Indonesia, akhirnya rasa rindu para ELF terbayar di SS4 INA hari pertama kemarin. Kurang lebih 9 ribu ELF mampu menyaksikan idola mereka di atas panggung selama 4 jam. Saat konser hampir berakhir, Super Junior seakan masih tak ingin berpisah dengan ELF yang menonton konser mereka di hari pertama. Di video yang diabadikan oleh seorang fans di bawah ini, Super Junior terdengar berterima kasih berkali-kali pada para ELF. Sang leader, Leeteuk, secara langsung berterima kasih pada Indonesia.

Dalam video tersebut terdengar pula teriakan para ELF yang mengucapkan terima kasih dalam tiga bahasa, yaitu bahasa Indonesia, Korea dan Inggris. Yesung dan Donghae tampak tertawa puas. Donghae melambaikan tangannya pada ELF.

Macet, ELF Sewa Pick-Up Untuk Pulang

Konser tunggal Super Junior hari pertama, Super Show 4 yang digelar di MEIS Ancol telah selesai dengan spektakuler. Konser selesai pada pukul 11 malam dengan membuat ELF begitu bahagia.
Selama hampir 4 jam konser, seluruh ELF disuguhi berbagai hal menarik. Perasaan lelah menunggu dan mengantri tiket beberapa hari yang lalu pun mungkin telah terbayar.

Meskipun demikian, perjuangan ELF ternyata tak cukup di situ saja. Untuk pulang dari lokasi konser, ELF masih perlu berjuang lagi.

Kemacetan luar biasa tampak di pintu keluar Ancol Beach City. Banyak ELF yang sampai duduk-duduk di trotoar untuk menunggu jemputan atau taxi.

Hal yang paling unik terjadi di luar kawasan Ancol. Beberapa ELF yang sudah tidak menemukan taxi atau angkutan umum memilih untuk menghentikan pick-up dan menaikinya untuk pulang bersama rombongannya.

Dalam video di bawah ini Siwon bahkan mengambil poster yang diayunkan oleh ELF. Lautan sapphire blue seakan berkilau tertimpa cahaya panggung. Ribuan balon sapphire blue memenuhi MEIS.

Vidi Aldiano Bangga Lagunya Dibawakan Super Junior


Lagu Vidi Aldiano, Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi masuk dalam performance boyband Korea Super Junior di Super Show 4 hari pertama yang digelar di MEIS, Jumat (27/04). Lagu tersebut dipakai oleh Shindong untuk memamerkan skill dance-nya, dan reff lagu tersebut dinyanyikan di akhir konser. Mengetahui lagunya dinyanyikan oleh member Super Junior, Vidi Aldiano pun merasa bangga.
"Iya Mbak!! Hahahaha. Seneng banget, seneng parah hahaha. Ah coba nonton yah! Gila bangga banget nih... #proudELF :')" tulisnya ketika dimintai pendapat lagunya dibawakan oleh Super Junior.
“Aku paling suka Kyuhyun. Suaranya paling bagus menurut aku.„
                           -Vidi Aldiano
Vidi Aldiano memang tidak bisa menonton konser SS4 di Indonesia secara langsung karena tengah ada pekerjaan. Meski demikian, Vidi merasa beruntung sebelumnya ia sudah pernah nonton Super Show 3 di Singapura.
"Nggak :'( kerjaaa. Tapi aku untung udah nonton yang SS3 kemarin di Singapore," tulisnya.
Selain itu menurut Vidi saat ini ada banyak ELF yang ingin nonton konser tersebut. Jadi ia lebih memilih memberikan kesempatan untuk orang lain. 
"Lagian tiketnya juga kaco ini. Banyak ELF Indo yang masih mau nonton Mbak. Hehehe, quota aku biar mereka dulu yang ambil. Aku kan udah pernah nonton :)," tulisnya.
Menyukai Super Junior, Vidi pun memiliki satu sosok yang menjadi favoritnya yaitu Kyuhyu
"Iya dinyanyiin lagu waktu akhir-akhir. Dia kali ini nyanyi reff-nya Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi. Terharuuuuu :(," tulis Vidi Aldiano lewat BBM, Jumat (27/04) malam.
Rasa bangga pun segera menyelimuti Vidi Aldiano. Vidi yang ketika dihubungi mengaku baru pulang kerja itu mengungkap berita tersebut sebagai pengobat rasa capek.
"Iyaaah hahahaha. Biarin deh dikatain norak, tapi beneran ini seneng campur bangga walaupun gitu doang," ungkapnya.
Untuk SS4 di Jakarta ini Vidi tidak bisa melihat secara langsung karena tengah ada pekerjaan. Demikian, saat ini penyesalan segera menyelimuti dirinya karena tidak menyaksikan konser tersebut, sedang lagunya dinyanyikan oleh Super Junior. Nyesel kan ga nonton? "Lumayaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn :'(" balasnya.


Becca's Story Part 5

Hei yoooww~ what's up??
Sorry because the next part so long guys >.<

---Becca's POV---
    I am still cann't believe. My idol, Dicky, pick me. Oh my god. I think I'm still sleep now. Yeah, I'm sleep now. Sleep. Ku cubit tanganku, sakit. Hufft berarti gak mimpi euy. Ku lirik ke kanan, Dicky masih sibuk menyetir, entahlah mau dia bawa kemana aku, yang jelas kata dia, tempat special.

   And do you know? He's bring me to a beautiful restaurant with very sweet atsmosphere <3 I feel so suprised with what he does. He opened the car door for me and invited me to sit between the fountain and a small stage. A waitres give us a medium steak with special sauce. I cut the meat slowly and try. "Hmmm.. Yummy.." I said to myself with closed eyes. Suddenly I heard someone was singing a beautiful song. I opened my eyes. And I see.. I see Dicky in the stage, he's playing a piano and singing. After singing, he sit down in front of me and eat the steak. He smiled as he chewed. 

---Dicky's POV---
  Becca.. Hmm.. She's so special, tapi sekarang gue masih tahap pengenalan ke dia, takut dia gak suka gue. Ya kalau kata Reza step by step. Hahaha..

    "Lia, I like your sister"
    "Hahaha, I know Dicky, so how I can more close with her?"
    "Hmm.. I think today, because tomorrow is saturday and today I want to pick her in her school, but I think if you.."
    "Of course, I can pick her, Lia. Ah I so glad to have you! You are the best Li."
    "Hahaha, iya sama-sama, Dick. Tapi kamu yakin bisa jemput dia?"
    "Yakinlah, emang kenapa?"
    "Gak ada jadwal latihan bareng khem, temen-temen artismu?"
    "Ha? Maksud kamu SM*SH? Gak kok, hari ini latihan malam :)"
    "Ok. Havefun Dick. Don't forget to pick her. NOW.. hehe"
    "Ya, thankyou Lia..."

   Ya, itu adalah percakapan gue dengan Lia beberapa waktu lalu via handphone. Lia memang mengetahui tentang ini sejak awal, bahkan Lia juga yang membantu membuka jalannya. Lia teman bahkan sahabatku, ya dia memang jarang melihat aku dari sisi keeksisanku di media. Dia bahkan gak tau apa-apa tentang SM*SH, padahal SM*SH lagi happening banget. Ya dia gak kurang gaul sih, dia tau SM*SH tapi ya itu karena SM*SH sering jadi bahan di sosial media dan dia gak pernah berniat buat nyari tau tentang SM*SH.

   Back to the restaurant...
   I look Becca so excited with this place. I smile when she's said, 'Waw. This scenery so cool. I like it". I feel happy when she's said that. Alhamdulillah sesuatu banget kalo kata Syahrini. Tempat ini adalah salah satu kenangan kedua orangtua gue disaat mereka masih bersama. Sayang, sekarang mereka jarang kesini, karena mengurus gue dan 2 adik gue, Arinta dan Nisa. Tempat ini adalah tempat dimana papa mama gue dinner pertama kali, makanya gue seneng banget pas tau Becca suka tempat ini disaat kencan pertama kita berdua^^.

   Hari ini adalah TIME TO NARSIS WITH BECCA. Gue dan dia sama-sama gila ekspresi dan foto, kita gak pernah puas buat foto-foto, pasti bakal ketagihan. Abis capek foto-foto, kita berdua melihat hasil fotonya di kamera SLR gue. Hinggaaaa...


    Pengen banget tau???

    Next part guys! follow @BlueRanisa :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cherry Belle Broke Up? :o


Cherry Belle is a girlband who came from Indonesia :) They are composed of 9 pretty-faced girl, cheerful and cute. They named Devi, Wenda, Angel, Ryn, Anisa, Christy, Felly, Dental and Cherly. Cherly their leader is, for the fall dance is Angel Leader, and for any vocal leader Devi and Anisa.

Cherry Belle's name comes from the word meaning sweet and Cherry Belle means beautiful, while Chibi added meaning behind the name of each member of a small mean / funny. Cherry Belle first appearance on the show music begins Inbox on June 18, 2011 by singing their first single, entitled "Dilema".

Dilema, a single hits from a mini-album, where there is Caturadi Septembrianto addition, there are still some other songwriter who co-created the songs for Cherry Belle.

Cherry Belle made ​​up of 15-18 people attended auditions vocal and choreography trained intensively for two months. But, in mid-February 2011, two people decided to get out of Cherrybelle because (feeling) is not strong with Cherrybelle exercise program, and eventually the management decided to make the audition again, until finally find: Devi and Gigi.
When training in the month of January 2011, Anisa alternating Bandung - Jakarta to exercise although not necessarily received in the Cherrybelle. After intensive training through the auditions and eventually on February 27, 2011 to the day of birth Girlband Cherry Belle is located at the Peak. The nickname for the fans is Twibi Cherry Belle (for women) and Twiboy (for men) which has two meanings: 'Chibi Twins' (twin Chibi) which means we are one family of Cherrybelle and 'Twister Chibi' which means that strong winds to support the Chibi. Meanwhile, Cherry Belle hater named Chiters (Chibi Haters).

Cherry Belle wa debut  on June 18th, 2012 7:35AM in Inbox SCTV :)

Cherry Belle has been released mini-album contains 5 tracks them, titled Love Is You. Often people look at one eye and doubted their musicality, is considered only an instant artist and moral hazard. But apparently Chibi management strategy is different from most other artists. In early August of this mini-album was born Unfortunately, not containing 5 tracks, which offer a distinctive color pop Cherrybelle sweet music. With tailor-made packaging market today dg odorous Korea, Chibi mini album looks very interesting especially equipped with photobook.

Chibi on vocals and harmonization of the fifth song is very pronounced. Christy, Cherly, Gigi, Anisa, Devi as a 'major player' in singing convey the distinctive timbre of each member .. Christy with thin vocals, melodic and soft, which Cherly powerful and husky, gentle and soft teeth which, Anisa is kind of heavy and character , Devi who clear and melodious. smentara vocal Angel, Ryn, Wenda, and Felly I expect as the weakest vocal skill of personnel but dg ttp add color to act within 'choir' or within stiap choir songs. In contrast with most responses they will smell the K-pop, I personally rate the album is quite thick aura Chibi I-Pop...
Mini Album Cherry Belle

photobook chibi

  1. Dilema --> The lead single made-up Chess Chibi S is very easy listening, catchy ear, and who has enough poetry 'palace'. It is said repeatedly played any of the listener will not get bored. This song tells the story of women who have dilema because she's love her best friend's boyfriend, his unique song sung by Chibi with koreo and feel joy, song lyric with contradictory. But when examined more deeply about the poem, which is fun to show the meaning of the word DILEMMA sndiri, how finally the woman gave up her feelings by showing the joy of friendship with TSB
  2. Beautiful, I expect this song to be their second single. The songs are no less ear catchingnya has tempo beat and lyric rather positive for the women who feel less confident with pnampilannya. Because Chibi says in this song, "You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, kamu cantik cantik dari hatimu". Vocals in this song the most prominent is Christy, Anisa and Cherly especially d the bridge. With a little touch of AutoTune, the song Beautiful is becoming more colorful and not monotonous.
  3. I'll Be There For You, this melancholy song with a slower tempo music that gently tells the story of someone who is willing to attend at any time if it takes the people who cared. The meaning of this song is pretty deep and wide coupled with vocal arranger for which bs make goosebumps listening. The most prominent vocal character is Devi, especially in the bridge, the clear voice bs apalg klo denger heartbreaking acoustic version of the oft-Chibi perform when brought off the water.
  4. Love Is You, a song which the title to the name of this album has the tempo up-beat which sounded particularly refreshing krn nuanced instrument backsound 'game' plus a little touch of AutoTune. With repetitive reffnya which makes the song ringing in his head is prominent vocal specially Christy at the bridge.
  5. Best Friend Forever, is the most controversial song Chibi Because when reffnya first bag had circulated, allegedly imitating / Kissing You-SNSD plagiarize. Now when the BFF is the full release, it must be admitted there are similarities in the reff and the beginning of the song, but for the rest of the instruments and arrangements of his music sounds very different from the tempo more beat plus AutoTune
Cherry Belle played in a television movie titled "Happy 21st" you can watch it on youtube :) They also have started to explore the world of film with the release of their life a favorable film titled "LOVE IS YOU". 

#CHERRYBELLEBUBAR on Trending Topic Indonesia

Cherry Belle recently was widely rumored to be changing the composition of its personnel. Finally answer the question of public management at a press conference that "What Happen With Cherry Belle" on SCTV 8 floor building, Jakarta, Thursday (12/4).

Stated Wenda Devi and management will be replaced by new personnel. Replacement Devi and Wenda's not because of a conflict but rather differences in vision and mission for the brand Chibi.

"Thank you all who have given support. Cherry Belle is a brand with a strong concept," says producer Cherry Belle, Dino Raturanda. "Wenda and devi was growing up, so not quite fit with the concept of Cherry Belle. So there is no conflict."

To search for a replacement Devi and Wenda, management will hold an audition with SCTV. Auditions are open to girls aged 17-21 years and will be held in Jakarta, 28-29 April. "Hopefully, this audition could find a better skill," said Dino.

Cherly Cherry Belle member Yuliana Anggraini (Cherly), Anisa Rahma (Anisa), Margaret Angelina (Angel), Noviaty Devi (Devi), Sarwendah Tan (Wenda), Yefany F (Felly), Christy Saura Noela UNU (Christy), Jessyca Stefani Auryn (Ryn) and Brigitta Cynthia (Gigi).

Girlband was formed in Puncak, Bogor, February 27, 2011, through the audition process. Their first appearance on the show music begins "Inbox", June 18, 2011. At that time they appear to sing the first single titled "Dilemma". In addition to "Dilemma", Cherry Belle also popularized the single "Beautiful" and "Love Is You" is taken from the mini album "Love Is You" (2011). They have released the film premiere of "Love Is U" at the end of March. The film tells the story of the formation of Cherry Belle and their daily lives. 

Atmosphere of emotion surrounding the press conference "What's on Cherry Belle" on SCTV floor of Building 8, Jakarta, Thursday (12/4). Guided by MC Ipank, nine personnel Cherry Belle seemed quiet during the event. Group Leader, Cherly, even cried when the news of two personnel changes, Wenda and Devi.

"They've become part of us," said Cherly while filled with tears. "Sad really sad," said Angel simply.

Asked about the comment removal of these two personnel, Ryn just crying and could not answer the question MC Indra. Difficult to master himself, he just covered his face with his hands. Were ready or not with new personnel changes, Cherry Belle claimed to be ready. "If we're ready or not, we're all prepared and ready mentally. We believe it all to the set of management and producer," Christy said.

Cherry Belle who was at the top of his career was rumored to be disbanded because its personnel were out there. Girlband member 9 he also denied the news. However the issue of the departure of two Cherry Belle personnel already widely heard.

Thursday (12/4) afternoon, Cherry Belle holding a press conference entitled 'What's The Cherry Belle?' Which dtayangkan on SCTV. In the event, as the producer Dino Cherry Belle officially announced that Wenda and Devi came out of the girlband.

"We decided to replace Devi and Wenda," said Dino.

Unclear what caused the two personnel must be out, but Dino pointed out that the cause is a matter of age Wenda and Devi who was no longer appropriate to the Cherry Belle is the average perseonelnya aged 18-21 years. Wenda itself has aged 22 years and 24 years old Devi.

"Yes, they (Wenda and Devi) was growing up," said Dino.

Cherry Belle looked very sad after losing their two partners. Cherly even admitted that they were in mourning today.

"The presence of Cherry Belle this time practically in mourning," said Cherly.

Even this revamp that raises new girlband rumor is likely to be disbanded. But the management of Cherry Belle seems to want to keep this girlband, they are even looking for new personnel to hold auditions titled 'Search Chibi Cherry Belle' is packaged as a reality show.

No doubt, many fans felt disappointed with the loss of two personnel Cherry Belle. Reasons expressed by Dino age seems difficult to be accepted by most fans. In fact, maybe this time many are asking, if all the personnel was growing up, if they return a remodeled or choose disbanded?

Cherry Belle Need Refreshing -

Wenda and Devi officially out of Cherry Belle, girlband who duringone recent year the music world coloring Indonesia. Producer Dino Cherrybelle Raturandang explain, as a girlband,Cherry Belle is an established brand and the concept of hard work.The concept is nothing but fun teen girl, singing dance skills, andgood looking with aura. Therefore, it is necessary to replacepersonnel refresher Wenda and Devi are considered to haveentered the phase of a woman.

"Starting from the initial concept and commitment to a strong brand,the producer must make a refreshment by replacing Wenda and Devi," Dino said at a news conference at SCTV Tower Jakarta,Thursday (12/4).

Furthermore, the producer of close calls Chibi Cherry Belle withSCTV will be holding auditions to find a replacement. The planauditions will be held April 28 to 29 next to the criteria of 17-year-oldgirl to 21 years. The auditions will be chosen to be 20 candidates.

This is some photo by Cherry Belle :)


Good bye @WendaChiBi @DeviChiBI
Press Conference

Now, CHERRY BELLE still have 7 personnel and will make a audition on SCTV in April 28th-29th, 2012 start 10AM - end :) Terms of auditions:

  • Girls ages 17-21 yr,
  • Master all koreo Chibi,
  • No letter of permission from parents
  • Don't contract with anyone
  • Be yourself 
  • Other details will announce @Cherrybelleindo
Cherrybelle ill audition free of charge, and SCTV Tower lgsg DTG to Senayan City April 28 to 29.

source: Cherry Belle-Wikipedia ID

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

BECCA's Story Part 4

Jaihooo.. I'm back^^

Today is last day of 2nd TUKPD :( That means 1 months again is time to fighting. Huffft.. UJIAN NASIONAL>...< Dagdigdug banget :( takut gabisa huhu. Lagi asik-asiknya jalan sambil bengong. My friend shout my name, "BECCAAAA!!!"
"Oh my god Cherlyyy-___- what happen?"
"Ah. You so.. Do you know I was call you and say hello. But you just walk and not smile to me huhu. Loe kesurupan?"
"Hahahaha gak laaah.. Apa banget deh-__-"
"Eh, dijemput hari ini?"
"Hehehe iya, paling sama Mbak Lia. Kan dia lagi libur sekolah gitu"
"Oalah. Yaudah, gue duluan ya.."kata Cherly menjauh dan menaiki mobil jemputan sekolah. Yaps. In my school, we have pick and drop service, but Mama gak pernah bolehin aku naik itu. Lagi asik-asik nunggu. Tiba-tiba Mbak Lia sms.

From: Mbak Lia
Dear my sist, sorry. I can't go to your school. 
Nanti ada yang jemput kamu kok.
Sabar ya Becca :* salam cinta

Huuffffttt... Mbak Lia >:O. You so bummer!!!. She's was said to me this morning, she's will going to pick up me, and now! She's say cannot. Arrgghh >:O.. If I know this, I'm able to back to home with the shcool car pool. When I'm grumbling, came a Ferarri Elise Ardent, with red metallic. That's so cool.. The top of the car openend and I can see a guy with high school uniform. He told me to get into the car. But I don't want, because I don't know him. So, he opened his glasses and smilled and said, "Have you forgotten me?" 

And do you know who is him??

He is...

Oh my god. That's DICKY. MUHAMMAD DICKY PRASETYA. My idol and hmm.. My sister friend :O. So, I get into the car and smile to Dicky.
"Sorry, I don't know your car :)"
"Hahaha, not problem. Maklum aku juga jarang bawa mobil yang ini hehe"
"Bytheway, why you in here?"
"Hmm.. Saya yang suruh Lia biar saya yang jemput kamu"
"Ha? Why?"
"I just want to wasting time with you. Can you?"
"Hmm.. I think I can, because tomorrow is saturday :)"
"Okay. Use your seat belt and pray :)"said Dicky, then the car leaving my school.

For the next....
See ya at part 4 dear <3
By the way this is Dicky's car.

Dicky's car :o

Monday, April 9, 2012

Becca's Story Part 3

"Hmm.. Mobil siapa nih di depan? Itu juga siapa tuh? Cowok? Jangan-jangan pacar Mbak Lia lagi. Udahlah, aku lewat pintu samping aja."batinku sambil jalan ke pintu yang terletak di samping rumah dekat tempat parkir mobil. Aku masuk diam-diam ke kamar biar gak ganggu Mbak Lia dan pacarnya itu.

Gak lama setelah aku masuk kamar, ibu nyamperin, "Hayoo.. Si eneng naon eta masuk kamar ngendep-ngendep?"
"Ah >.< ibuuu... ngagetin aja. Nteu naon. Cuma gamau ganggu Mbak Lia yang lagi pacaran aja di depan, Bu."
"Pacaran? Mbakmu itu ndak pacaran, Ndok. Itu temannya, namanya teh Daki, Deki, apa Dogi ya? Ya pokoknya gitu lah."
"Ha? Kok ibu tau?"
"Iya, udah sering dia teh main kesini, kamu aja yang belum pulang. Dia baik, ndok"
"Ah ibu gabilang, bytheway bu, masak gak? Lapeer"kataku dengan muka lemas.
"Masak, Ndok. Ada nasi bakar ayam. Mau?"
"Mau... Anter kesini ajah ya buuu.."kataku mengoda biar Ibu bawain ke atas.
"Iya, tunggu ya neng."

---Lia's pov---
Aku melihat Ibu baru turun dari lantai atas, masak iya si Becca udah pulang, kan belum jam 4. Tapi wait, itu Ibu nyiapin makanan di dapur kayaknya. Akupun permisi ke belakang bentar. Aku samperi ibu yang sibuk menata makanan.

"Bu, makanan buat saha eta?"
"Buat si dede, neng"
"Ha? Si Becca udah pulang? Kok aku galiat?"
"Gimana mau liat? Wong dia aja ngendap ke rumah-__- takut ganggu kamu katanya."
"Alah, alah. Jangan dianterkeun ibu makanannya. Biar aku aja teriak, dia harus turun"
"Nteu gitu sama adik sendiri."
"Nteu apa-apa ibuu.."kataku ke ruang tengah dan berteriak ke atas, "Dedeee... Beceeekkk.. Turun kamu.. Buruaaaan.."

---Lia's pov end---

Why Mbak Lia shouted from downstairs anyway-__- Dia kan lagi pacaran *eh-__- used to shout that I ate at the downstairs-__- Mbak Lia so weird :p With lazy steps, I walked slowly to the bottom floor and I got Mbak Lia is ready at the dinner table with her friend. I choose a chair beside Mbak Lia without looking to her and her friend, and began to pray before lunch. But Mbak Lia stoppped me and introduced her friend to me. "Becca, this is Dicky. Dicky, this is Becca :)"

"Hello" I said while looking Mbak Lia friend.
"Hi Becca :) I'm Dicky" he said, awed and make him confused.
"BECCAAAAA!!" Mbak Lia shouted in my ear and made me back to realize.
"Mbak-__- aku gak budek"kataku kembali melanjutkan mengambil makanan yang tertunda ini hehe.

After lunch together, Dicky permission to return to his house. He said he's training schedule with his friends. Mbak Lia drove up to the car and closed the gate of our house. I only go back to my room and riveted. Mbak Lia is aware I wiggle my direct stare and ask, "Are you okayy, Bec?"
"I am okay, Mbak."
"Really? I'm not sure~"
"Apaan sih Mbak~ Udah ah mau tidur"
"Ah elaaah~ tuh kan ngeyesss.. Kamu suka Dicky de?"
"Ha? Gak *mukamalu* apaan sih, Mbak-_- kenal aja baru tadi."
"Boong... Diakan personil SM*SH"
"Ha? Jadi bener? :o"
"Gak, dari tadi Ecca tuh ingung, kayaknya muka temen Mbak tuh familiar"
"Ah elah kamu-___- suka sama dia de? Want to know his blackberry pin?"
"Do you have? :o"
"Yoiiih~ Mbak gitu.. Hahaha, nih pinnya invite gih, 26FDC3B1"
"Thanks, Mbaaakkk.. Udah sana aku mau tidur dulu, lusa TO nih-___-"
"Selamat tidur adik kecil"

Mau tau kelanjutannya?
Pantengin terus yaaa.. <3 
Jangan lupa comment^^

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Becca's Story Part 2

---DICKY's pov---
    The girl. Gue harus tau nama dia, gapeduli gimana caranya. Wait. Itu kan mbak mbak yang bareng si cewek tadi. Hmm.. Cafe depan lumayan sepi, kayaknya bisa nih gue keluar.. 

"Mba, can we talk a minute? Just a moment"kataku sambil menarik Mbak tersebut ke cafe seberang artist room setelah gue mengiyakan kalau aku adalah yang bernyanyi di panggung tadi.

At the cafe, I introduced my self and asked the name of this Ma'am.
"Lia, just call me Mbak Lia."
"Ok, Mbak Lia :) I want to know the name of the girl. Yang tadi menonton bersama Mbak."
"Yang mana? Ada 2 orang"
"Yang rambut panjang, Mbak"
"Why you asking about her?"
"I want to know her more"
"She's Becca, my step-mother is her nanny. Her parents worked in Singapore, rarely came back to Indonesia, is usually transfer the money to her, me and her driver. At home too there is only me, her, two drivers, and two maid."
"Oh, so Becca alone without parents?"
"Yes, her parents left her to work there since 5 years ago. When he was 4th grade."
"Well, can I get her adress?"
"For what? No. Sorry"
"Okey, thank you for the time, Mbak Lia. If you meet Becca later, don't tell her that we have met. I must go, SM*SH already out of artist room"kata gue sambil nunjuk ke arah SM*SH yang lagi dikawal security di mall ini.
"Wait. Dicky."
"Ya, Mbak?"
"Can we take a picture first?"
"Of course, by the way this my number 08567812xxxx. Bisakah Mbak misscall saya?"kata gue sambil menulis nomer gue, misscall dan memfoto kami berdua dengan 2 kali foto di handphone Mbak Lia dan 2 kali lagi dengan handphone gue. Setelah itu gue langsung berlari ke dalam rombongan menuju mobil dengan kepungan para security-__-"

---DICKY's pov end---

Becca just realized that Mbak Lia disappeared, langsung lah dia mencari dimana gerangan si Mbak Lia ini. Tenyata... Mbak Lia lagi shopping di salah satu toko baju di mall itu-__- Becca langsung menghampirinya, "Mbak Liaaaa.... Where are you before? I'm looking for you :("
"Hahaha, what's up Bec? I want to buy a clothes to my cousin in Padang."
"Oalah-__- udah nemu?"
"Already dear.. Tinggal bayar, mau bayarin? :p" said Mbak Lia.

Finally... I and Mbak Lia back to home with a cab. When arrived at home, I ate, continued to shower and go to my room. In my room, gue langsung ngerebahin diri di kasur~ pas lagi mau check bb yang ketingglan, Mbak Lia ngetok.
"Bec, Beccaa.."
"Iya, Mbaaak.."kata gue sambil buka pintu.
"Ini minum vitamin dulu baru tidur"
"Iya Mbaaak, iyaaa.. Eh si Ibu belum pulang Mbak?"
"Belum, masih ke pasar sama Pak Sugeng"
"Bapak mah masih di bengkel kan benerin mobil yang CRV"
"Oiya-__- yaudah, Mbak Lia temenin aku tidur aja yuk. Kan ada Bi Inem dibawah"
"Yaudah"kata Mbak Lia sambil nemenin aku tidur. Mbak Lia itu anaknya Bapak, Bapak itu supirnya Papa dari dulu masih belum nikah. Nah kalo Ibu, dia istri bapak, tapi ibu tirinya Mbak Lia, karena ibu Mbak Lia udah gak ada. Bapak sama Ibu ini yang ngasuh aku dari kecil dari sejak aku belum lahir dia udah disini, ya bisa dibilang mereka orangtua angkatku di Jakarta, makanya aku deket banget sama keluarga Ibu dan Bapak, bahkan Mbak Lia udah aku anggep kakak kandungku sendiri. Papa sama Mama kerja di Singapore udah sejak aku kelas 4 SD, mereka berdua orang bisnis. Jadi ya dimaklumin aja kalau sibuk~ 

Pas lagi enak-enak tidur, bb Mbak Lia bunyi. Ada nama "Dicky calling" gue langsung jawab telefon itu, "Hallo"
"Hallo, ini Mbak Lia?"
"Bukan, ini adiknya. Mbak Lia lagi tidur. Ini siapa?"
"Ini Dicky. Yaudah deh makasih."kata seseorang yang bernama Dicky itu. 

Waktu berjalan dan berjalan~ liburan kemarin usai, aku udah mulai sekolah lagi. Aku sekolah di SMP Pelangi. Kelas 9. Satu yang aku takutin adalah... UJIAN NASIONAL T^T. Hari ini sekolah aku pulang lebih cepat, aku yang awalnya mau minta jemput bapak, gak jadi, karena salah satu temanku mengajakku pulang bersama. Sesampai dirumah, aku melihat ada mobil. Mobil ini bukan salah satu mobil keluargaku, pas aku masuk aku lihat ada satu cowok lagi duduk di situ.

Who is the boy??
Hmmm... next part dongggg... <3
Don't forget to comment

Becca's Story Part 1

Hey! This is my new story. A fan fiction of SM*SH Check this out! :)

Hallo my name is Becca, I'm a SMASHBLAST. I like all of SM*SH's personil, but my favorite is DICKY! He's baby face and cute. He liked YUPI, a popular chewy candy in Indonesia, like me. Every saw him on television, I want him to be my brother *dreaming*

Gue bukan salah satu dari para fans mereka yang fanatik, yang nangis karena tidak bisa nonton SM*SH. All it does nothing for me. I am just a real smashblast :) If I can see their performance, I will see and come. But If I can not, I can see on youtube or search in twitter. Do you know, YESTERDAY I saw SM*SH performed in one mall in Jakarta \(^^)/ There are special yesterday. Want to know? Let's see the story:

Me, my cousin and my baby sister go to one mall that will show them. I break though the SM*SHBLAST who was present there because there are very crowded. I am so lucky. I got three invitations from my friend, Cath. So we can watch them in comfort without being jostled. We sit right on a small stage in front of a main stage where SM*SH will perform. We can see SM*SH clearly because here only 20 seats.

While SM*SH out, say hallo and be on stage all the existing Smashblast shout and scream, while I just smile and waved to all SM*SH's personil. I watch SM*SH from beginning to end because of this the first time I watch them directly in front of my eyes :) But actually I more attention to Mr. Bala-Bala hehe #peace. When SM*SH was greeted all who came and for a little chat with the host on stage. I was waving to Dicky, he just smiled and see me. My baby sister and cousin, who was sitting beside me laughed and teased, me? just give a embrrassed smile. Luckly! SM*SH back to singing a few songs. After SM*SH finished, all the audience dispersed. I had come down from the stage with my cousin, Ayu and our baby sister, Mbak Lia. Ayu broke away from us, because she had an appointment with her friends. We were the way to the food court, stomach cann't take a compromise-__-. 

When the mall not crowded again, Dicky quietly out of the artist room and pulled Mbak Lia, while I'm keep walking. Mbak Lia so confused and asked Dicky, "Are you a SM*SH's personil?". Dicky replied "Yaps, I need you time, just a moment". Mbak Lia still confused when Dicky took her to a cafe across from the locker room.

What would you thing Dicky talked with Mbak Lia?
Want to know?
Next part guys<3

Hello Heartbeater :)

Hello guys. 

My name is xoxo. I'm a dreamer and always be dreamer. Dream = Value your life. Never give up and dreaming guys.

Because once time! You can get and reach your dream.

You will be very proud of all of your dreams. Still a dreamer guys! Because the dream is your dreams, your soul, and the life that will never dissapear until whenever, wherever and whoever you are.

By the way, in this blog you can read about anything from movies, music, stories, fashion and lots more. You can judge me by giving comment and spreadmy blog, but remember, PLEASE ADVISED OR TEXT LINK RESOURCES with the name of this blog. Thank you


with LOVE.

-someone like you-